Thursday, September 19

Transformative Investment in Climate Smart Agriculture

In partnership with the Climate Group and FINTECH.TV, The Nest Summit is an official event of Climate Week NYC, dedicated to advancing sustainability in the US by convening the organizations, visionary researchers, and influential policymakers driving climate action and leading the way to a cleaner and safer environment.Join the U.S. Farmers and Ranchers in Action and World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) for a panel on transformative investment in climate-smart agriculture. U.S. agriculture has the opportunity to significantly drawdown atmospheric carbon and the potential to be the first ‘carbon positive’ sector in the U.S. economy. However, farmers and ranchers can’t and shouldn’t do it alone. They and rural communities should gain economically from the improvements made to create healthier soil, conserve water, and protect nature. US food and agriculture companies have an opportunity to move toward decarbonizing their businesses while unlocking benefits to their top and bottom lines, all while helping improve human equity and environmental sustainability across their value chains. And, investors have much to gain from owning companies that manage risk and innovate to drive sustainable practices across their portfolios.

FINTECHTV Editorial Team

Black farmers in the US’s South—faced with continued failure in their efforts to run for the successful farms their launched
