Friday, September 20

Pat Mitchell on Women Leadership in Climate Activism

In partnership with the Climate Group and FINTECH.TV, The Nest Summit is an official event of Climate Week NYC, dedicated to advancing sustainability in the US by convening the organizations, visionary researchers, and influential policymakers driving climate action and leading the way to a cleaner and safer environment.Extreme weather events have a more significant impact on the poor and most vulnerable; 70% of the world are most vulnerable are women; that being said, women are the ones that are leading climate change adaptation and mitigation. Pat Mitchell, Dr. Katherine Wilkinson, Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson, and Naima Penniman share great insight into their work and other dangerous women who are willing to take the responsibility of the climate movent who harness the truth, courage, and solutions to lead humanity forward.

Pat Mitchell Media Executive, Producer, Curator Connecting with Women to Create Change

Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson Founder Urban Ocean Lab & Ocean Collective

Dr. Katherine Wilkinson Author, Co-Founder & Co-Director All We Can Save Project

Naima Penniman Artist, Activist, Co-Founder & Co-Artistic Director Climbing Poetree

Adam Lake Head of Climate Week NYC Climate Group

Alan Steel President & CEO Javits Center

Britton Jones Founder & CEO The Nest Summit

Vince Molinari Founder & CEO FINTECH.TV

Tom Steyer NextGen America Founder & Co-Chair California's Business and Jobs Recovery Task Force

Bruce Duguid Head of Stewardship Federated Hermes

Mark Sherlock Head of US Equities, Lead Portfolio Manager Federated Hermes

Lynn Martin President & Chief Operating Officer ICE Data Services

