Thursday, September 19

Climate Risk Analysis and Financial Services: Best Practices

In partnership with the Climate Group and FINTECH.TV, The Nest Summit is an official event of Climate Week NYC, dedicated to advancing sustainability in the US by convening the organizations, visionary researchers, and influential policymakers driving climate action and leading the way to a cleaner and safer environment.The goal of the Climate Service is to help investors, companies, and communities to understand their risks from the changing climate, and the opportunities from the transition to a low-carbon economy. Backed by an Advisory Board including 4 IPCC Nobel Prize-winning scientists, and strategic partners including Aon, IBM, the AICPA, and LMI Consulting, our mission is to embed climate risk data into financial decision-making and facilitate the world’s transition to a lower-carbon economy. The Climate Service Climanomics® software platform enables climate risk reporting and disclosure consistent with the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework. Outputs from the platform measure and report transition and physical risk and opportunities in financial terms under different climate scenarios. Trusted by clients including the world’s largest banks, asset managers, real estate investors, Fortune 500 firms, and public bodies including the Federal Government, the platform was recently identified as a leader in climate risk analytics by Forrester Research. Investors and regulators around the world have been refining guidance on climate risk and moving closer, in a variety of ways, to making climate risk and TCFD reporting mandatory. The UK just announced its largest pension funds must publish disclosures by the end of 2022. UK banks and insurers are required to do so by the end of 2021. The Canadian government recently tied COVID recovery loans to climate risk reporting, and more. Financial institutions worldwide are employing the Climanomics® platform to support scenario analysis, model physical and transition risks as well as opportunities. During this session, Joseph Lake will touch on key best practices for climate risk analysis in financial services. This address will be given by Joseph Lake, COO of The Climate Service.

